Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the shoe thrower and other nonsense

Whoa, must really suck to be george w these days. Just can't get any respect at all. Those damn iraqis, ya'd think after only killin coupla hunnred thounsand of em civilyuns, and givin 'em democraccy an all, they'd be a little...grateful! Nahh..Just throwing shoes at the Dubya. He's got pretty good reflexes tho fer an old coked out alkie! The guy who flung the shoes, aimed pretty good, but dubya ducked and they hustled the journalist off and beat the crap out of him in another room. What I read today he couldn't even appear in court he was so messed up. "Disrespect To a Head Of State" was the charge that I heard thrown about in the NYTimes. Hell, disrepecting someone could get you DEAD in most neighborhoods around NY. This guy got a broken arm and bruises. But hell, his country did get overthrown...oops ..I mean Liberated by Dubya . Maybe he had something valid to say and was just royally pissed off. You know, like I am at the Obama Inaug. Team.

This Inauguration is going to be an historic and monumental occasion and one that has many on the Left, my ownself included monumentally PISSED OFF. They have the right's darling boy and mouthpiece Rick Warren "Saddleback Church" "Purpose Drive Life" "Blah Blah Blah" giving the invocation. Considering the amount of money time and effort the left, the LBGT and pro-choice movements have given to Obama to get him into office, this is the hugest slap in the face, before the sunofabitch even gets into office mind you, that could be imagined. Posts on DailyKos, FireDogLake, PamsDailyBlend, MyDD,, and many ,manyothers have just excoriated this choice. This was a top down choice, do not be fooled about that. The Inaugural Committee may have passed along invitations, but they were merely the social secretaries here.

Rick Warren has expressly said that he regards gay marriage as equal to incest or polygamy. He has committed himself to changing Obama's views on abortion and women's rights. Gay rights are the central theme to his brand of white-washed hate. Please read the posts on for further updates and links on this issue. You can e-mail to and to send an e-mail and yeah, lets over load the god damn servers with shit and let em KNOW WHO FUCKING SUPPORTED HIM!@!
Sorry, I don't usually get that heated but this is personal.

Chrysler shut down today, looks like no money coming from the fed is gonna be a very black X-mas indeed for the Cerberus folk. That sucks, I used to work for Chrysler years ago, and they were cool people, all of them. The Repugs suck for trying to do this union busting shit on the backs of the workers, and the Dems suck for letting them get away with it. And they all suck for letting it happen NOW. Theres no excuse for any of them. Throw 'em all in a fucking freezing river and save the ones that float. Maybe.

Do I seem mean today? Someone asked me why I have such an attitude. Shit I guess cuz the weathers turning really cold and I want to be in Aruba, and I can afford to take the bus to the MALL! I despise New England and always have. My ten years in So Cal were truly the happiest and shortest of my life. Now I can't afford to go back, and I'm bitter. I'm sure others feel the same about their places of residence. I didn't choose to live here, I'm here to care for my elderly family. No one else is left to do it. Familial obligation. Guilt. All those things and an inheritance that will keep me going for many years to come, if it's not all gone by the time I get to using it. I admit to a little greed yeah, but it's mostly love for my family. They cared for me and now it's my turn. I don't begrudge it. It's unconditional. The money can go to the Flat Earth Society in the end analysis. So long as I get the house. I can rent it out and travel. All the frigging time.
Thats what keeps me going.

I'll be back before the hols with more incisive analysis and shit, so come back. Peace be with you.

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