Saturday, December 20, 2008

guilty Guilty GUILTY!

Oh the protestations of innocence out there from every corner, Blogo didn't offer pay for play seats in the Illinois senate...Hell no...innocent as a lambie. He'll go down swinging and fighting and clawing his way into the sewer to prove it. And no one in the justice dept knew anything about "torture" enhanced interrogation sure!. Never mind that the Dick Cheney going on tv saying he did. Oh fuck gives me a headache thing...............Norm Coleman didn't take that $75G's for his super home make-over, and damnit, he'll use campaign contributions to prove it. (Thats a tiny bit illegal, but well, what the hell...) Al Franken has him by 128 votes at last count, not including votes for "the lizard people and frankenstin" Minnesota voters are so very entertaining. What other state would elect a professional wrestler to govern? Maybe, California?

Speaking of Cali, Jerry Brown, the AG there, said today that Prop 8 was unconstitutional and he could not certify it. Good for him! He didn't originally say that, but I'm really glad that he's changed his position. Hes getting lots of good press from every liberal out on the blogosphere. Too bad the US Gobernmit couldn't do the same. They announced that they would not support a UN non-binding resolution for Gay Rights, supported by 60 countries across the world, sponsored by France and the Netherlands. So the US joins the Islamic fundamentalists in the quest for hate. All because the US doesn't want potential litigation on issues relating to discrimination in the workplace, housing, military etc. The Bushies can't let anything go. Except one thing. One bit of good news.

Desolation Canyon in Utah has gotten a reprieve. Well a stay of execution anyway. Robert Redford reported in the HuffPo today that this little patch of wilderness area has been held up from the auction block until January 19, 2009. It was supposed to have gone last month. But his tireless lobbying and tht of the National Resources Defense Council and other environmental groups have held it at bay for now. Great work Mr Redford. Almost makes the day worth continuing now.

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