Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Truly Bizzare!

When I signed on for this gig, I figured well, if I could get a few dollars for advertising why the hell not? Everyone else and the aunties do it, why shouldn't I? Then just for shits and giggles I log onto my own site, just to see whats up, and every damn ad is for, wait for it now, cheap CREDIT CARDS! Too fucking funny!! After all I've said about how the credit card industry is ruining the middle class and taking the lower class into abject poverty, apparently the Google computers thought I was making nice comments about those wonderful credit card vultures. Capitol One, my personal favorite, who personally gouged me out of seven thousand dollars while I was in jail for drug charges a few years ago, money that was legally untouchable, as it was Social Security funds, they took it anyway. After my release they said I'd have to sue them to get back. Right. Sue a megabank right after release from jail. There went my car, and any hope of establishing a new productive life post drug incarceration. It did fire my anger and activism though, and I guess I have them to thank for that. I never did go back to the life I put behind, and am grateful to the help I received from the resources that were available to a poor white suburban guy. If I were not who I was, I wouldn't have gotten ANY help at all. I was lucky and I know it.

The EPA announced today that the coal ash that slid into the Tennessee River earlier in the week after a retaining wall breached, contains some 900 carcinogenic toxins. This is in contradiction to earlier reports from the Tennessee Valley Authority that the ash contains mostly "inert" materials. I suppose inert as in arsenic, lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals are "inert" in the human body and will not harm you. Their initial response was "you'd had to eat the stuff", but I guess breathing it in doesn't count for much. The opponents of "Clean Coal" should be on the march on this one. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Clean coal is the oxymoron of the millenium, there is no such critter, never has been and the technology is decades from existence. There is a similar toxic dump at every coal burning plant in the country, all at a major river or body of water, as they need water to cool the turbines. Greenies get off your couches and get out there and start showing the world what you're made of!

The New Year is right around the bend. I'd love to say I resolve to end world hunger or some lofty aim. Not going to happen is it? There's a far better chance of my ending my addiction to trance music, but thats not going to happen either. I like it and it doesn't hurt me. I'll resolve to adopt a dog this year, from the animal shelter of course. My Dalmation is gone and a very good memory, but it's time to move on. I think a mutt would suit me best. Definitely a male dog, but I'll leave the name choosing to you guys. Suggestions? Yeas and Nays?

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