Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa Claus Is Coming Tomorrow!! (if I've been a good boy)

X-mas eve is here agin boys and girls.........One more for the big red guy....leave out the milk and cookies and hope theres no coal in the stocking hung with such care by the teevee set with the fake yule log. All I can hope for is the dogs don't pee on the presents this year, and the receivers like what they get. Think they will. Chosen with enough care for sure. Not much moolah to spend this year, but spent it pretty wisely, just like those three guys in the old fable, bringing incense and stuff to the baby they revered. Never DID quite get the point of that, but who am I to judge? I usually give books. They last forever. How about you? Give what you wanted to? What you have liked to have given? So many people didn't even have the money to eat this year that I'm grateful for that much.

No snark today at all. Not giving in to my baser instinct to malign and denigrate all the ones who're on the opposite political spectrum as I, not that it stops them at all, but I have some self respect. Rush Limbaugh can blame the entire fall of western civilization on liberals for all I care, no one is paying him any mind, any more than feeling the deepest bit of pity for the drug addled fool. The more I hear, the less I listen.

Amazing that we actually have some science thinking people coming into the new administration. Thats really hopeful! I read about these people in the NY Times and after eight long faith based years, its hard to think....oh, about that sciencey stuff. I read every day and have for years, just never thought it become actual POLICY!! How Refreshing!! And after reading the Cato Institute website's global warming denial pdf file today, it could not be more timely. To think these loonies were actually setting talking points for the last eight years.....aaarrrgghhh...makes me shudder to think about now.

Now that I'm done with the traditional Italian x-mas eve dinner of seafood things in something, and my tastebuds are thoroughly sated and numbed, my thought can drift on to whats to come in the new year. We have a whole new bunch of yahoos to watch out for, and watch we will. We have a trillion dollar rescue....I mean bailout.....whoops, there I go again, I mean STIMULUS package to watch out for, that the wastrels in congress dont blow it all on moon pies and pixie sticks. We have a new green economic policy, whatever that means. We have regulators on Wall Street who are supposed to really really really regulate something this time, they promise, cross their hearts and hope to DIE! Good luck with that. We have a few bills due to hit congress in the next year on net neutrality, the environment and universal health care. Those aughta be fun! So 2009's looking to be a very interesting year. If you're employed. And have money. And it's not in a bank.

Speaking of banks. I highly recommend the First National Bank Of The Rachel Maddow Show. She did this segment on how easy it was to get a bailout if you were a bank, and damn if it isn't!! Went on the failout site myself, and the application is just two, count 'em two pages long. The first page just asks the general questions, address and phone, contact persons and such, the second page asks why you need the money. No questions on how you can repay it. Nothing about your dire financial straits. Just why do you need it. Well, I need a new boat. I don't have an old boat, but I think its time to get a new one. I think that'll do it. I'm sending my application in today. Second National Bank of I think it'll fly! I have great hopes and expectations! I need a NEW BOAT! I'm afraid of the water, but I NEED A NEW BOAT, DAMNIT!! Give me money!

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