Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Everyone Stand Up And Cheer!

Ahhll be going pink today, as the rights of 18,00 legally married LBGT couples in California hangs in the balance in the state's Supreme Court. I just can't understand it. I always thought of Jerry Brown as the liberal's liberal. Mayhap there was an alien abduction at some point and he was injected with Sean Hannitty's brain. And now as Attorney General, he is one of the standard bearers for forcible divorce, a thing as yet unheard of in this country. Prop 8 was bad, but this fight's gonna get nasty. The money pouring into the Right's coffers is HUGE! And it's sure not coming from Joe Sixpack anymore. He can't affford a quart bottle of malt liquor now.

Along with Kenneth Starr, yup, that guy, the stains on Monica's dress guy, the one who wrote a book so long it had to be published in THREE volumes guy. It sickens me and brings back the rage that I felt when Reagan would not even utter the acronym of AIDS in 1983, bringing death to tens of thousands more innocents who might have been helped. Praise Allah, Buddha, Mohamed, the Dali Lama, an old Oak tree, whatever your faith may be, if you even have one at all, that there are people out there like Rick Jacobs from the Courage Campaign, fighting on the ground and in the media. More and more are stepping up every day, straight or not, to say that this is just plain wrong. But more need to be out there in the spotlight!

Like it or not, we are a celebrity driven culture, and if more Hollywood A-listers get up in front of a camera and say don't fuck with these loving peoples's lives, and many more television celebs of the minute do it too, in a BIGG way, like lots of man on man smooching at awards shows, people WILL pay attention. But we CANNOT let guys like Rick go it alone. He needs your encouragement and more, he needs money. Please donate to the CourageCampaign.org They've accomplished in just months what the Human Rights Campaign has taken YEARS to do. But don't think that the HRC is just sitting around on their asses. They DO good work, and I admire them in many ways, but when it comes to street level activism, they seem to have forgotten HOW. But I believe that they're re-learning. I look forward to Joe Solmonese to prove me right on that one.

Well, the economy is tanking even further with uncle Timmy spreading dough out like a pizza maker, the Dow drops soons as he says "Hello". The stimulus package isn't much of New New Deal, more like old Bushily crap. Tax breaks are almost half of it. Who GIVES a shit about taxes when you don't have a job anymore??? Wake me up when they do something about the poor and the near poor (formerly called the middle class). I'm popping some Xanax and forgetting for a while. All this "bi-partisanship" bullshit leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth. Like rideing bareback with a "escort", and realising halfway into it that his personal hygiene is less than desirable. Not that I'd EVER do such a thing, but I lived in LA for two decades, there's NOTHING I haven't seen at least once. My actual preference is for bookish, university types. My late husband was a poet and author, and was my absolute ideal for a mate. But now I'm not even certain how to aproach a man, it's been so long since I've done that mating ritual dance thing. I tried some online dating services, but most of the guys I met were after only one thing. Money. Anyone with any practical suggestions, I sure be grateful to hear them!! It gets pretty lonely in a huge crowd.

This post was brought to you by my brand spankin new Toshiba Satellite laptop, just aquired the day before yesterday. I will make sacrifices to the Gods of The Hard Drives that this will prove to be crash proof, and my new posts will be regular and interesting. Thanks to Mike and John and all the techs at Optimum.net who keep my broadband up and running.

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